Innovast Digital Marketing

Skillful Communication = More Sales

Communication. The more skillful we are with it, the better we’re able to share concepts and ideas that strengthen our connections and better enable us to pass along information.

For those in business, growth is dependent on sales. Sales depend on being able to effectively convey the reasons why a product or service being offered will solve a problem or make a life improvement in some way.

Connecting to others effectively depends on our ability to use the right communication skills in the right ways.

Choose a Method of Delivery

In general, the closer the proximity between the sender and receiver, the more meaningful the communication process. We not only take in information through our eyes and ears, but nuances in voice and inflection, body language, scent, touch, and more, affect messaging. A stronger connection is made when two people are face to face – engaging all of our senses – versus catching a snippet of an advertisement seen on a billboard along a hi-way.

As a marketer, we have an array of media to choose from to reach prospects. From social media to direct mail, phone calls to emails, we must consider which methods are most effective and how many prospects will be reached with the effort. Also consider that when it comes to taking in information and mentally sorting through what should be retained, everyone responds differently.

Influence happens on many levels.


Obviously, one-on-one is the best way to build report and demonstrate value, but it\’s cost prohibitive for most. Live video conferencing can be extremely effective as a  promotional tool. However, conducting a live presentation has technological considerations and limits the number of potential participants. Video marketing could also be something to consider.




A personal phone call resonates more than an email. A text between two individuals is more meaningful than email. Personal email messages will be better received than email blasts, but email marketing is likely to resonate more than a single tweet in a newsfeed.

Deciding which method of connecting with your customers is most likely to get results, how to carry out these efforts, and how to tailor the message and tone are all important considerations.

If you aren’t sure where to start or which approach to take in communicating value to your target audience, get in touch with us! Perhaps you are working under a limited budget, or you need help on the technology front. We are creative thinkers with a lot of varied experience with content development. We have the right communication skills to market products and brands, professional services, nonprofit organizations, fundraising and political campaigns and much more!



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