Karen at Innovast

Get more leads online for coaches and consultants

Get More Leads Online for Coaches & Consultants

Here are a few simple digital marketing tips that can be helpful for a coach or consultant to get more leads online: Build a strong online presence: As a consultant, it’s important to have a professional website that showcases your skills and experience. In addition to your website, you should also be active on social […]

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blog for seo on website

Get Free Traffic to Your Website with a Blog

A blog on your website can get free traffic to your website because it gives Google what it needs for search engine optimization (SEO). Here are a few reasons why: Fresh content: Search engines love websites that consistently provide new and relevant content. By regularly updating your blog with fresh content, you’ll be able to

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How to Make Sure Your Website Designer Has What They Need

Most often, it’s your company website that creates the first impression a prospective customer has of your business. With your web design project in our trusted hands, it’s important to provide us with the materials we need to do our best work. Let’s look at the web development process and what you should give your

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Inclusive Marketing

The Power of Inclusive Marketing

In today’s social climate, it’s more important than ever to promote a message of acceptance and inclusion. Consumers are looking to do business with companies that reflect their values. Show your commitment to inclusivity with inclusive marketing. Advertise your support for diversity. You’ll not only attract new clientele, but you’ll also build credibility and trust

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Social Media for Search vs. Google

Are Social Media Platforms the New Search Engines?

It’s no secret that social media has changed the way we communicate. Not only are social media channels a way to keep us connected with friends, family, and colleagues, but it has become a handy resource for people to get their news and information. Volumes of users are turning to social platforms when they have

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broken links impact seo

The Negative Impact of Broken Links on Your Website

In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have a website that is up-to-date and functions well. Not only do potential customers expect to be able to find you online, but they also expect your website to be informative and user-friendly. One often overlooked aspect of keeping a website current is regularly

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