Web Design

improve website speed

Improve Your Website’s Speed: Why It Matters and What You Can Do

Welcome to Innovast Digital Marketing: Your Partner in Website Success Have you ever visited a website that took forever to load? It can be frustrating, right? Let’s talk about the importance of website speed and how it can affect your online success. Why Speed Matters When your website loads slowly, people might get impatient and […]

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customer satisfaction online website

Elevate Customer Satisfaction Online

As someone who’s been in business for over 25 years, I understand the importance of keeping customers happy. At Innovast Digital Marketing, we’re all about sharing knowledge to help fellow entrepreneurs like yourself succeed. Let’s dive into how you can positively impact your customers online!” — Karen Etchells Discover the Power of Happy Customers Online: Your Competitive

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Local SEO Tips

How to Dominate Local SEO

10 Essential SEO Tips for Local Businesses Mastering local SEO is crucial for businesses seeking visibility within their communities. Here are 10 essential tips to significantly enhance your local SEO ranking and attract more customers: Claim and Optimize Google Business Listing: Your Google Business listing is the cornerstone of your local SEO strategy. Claim and

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colors best for website conversions

Influence of Colors on Website Conversions

Did you know that changing up the colors featured on your website could be a game-changer for its performance? Colors wield an incredible influence on user behavior and, consequently, on your conversion rates. Let’s address a common color culprit: red. It’s attention-grabbing, bold, but surprisingly, it might not be the best choice for your call-to-action

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clarity in website content

Clarity in Web Content

Unlocking the Path to Connection and Impact The essence of clear and concise web content cannot be overstated when surfing the Internet. When crafting a compelling online presence, nothing holds more potency than clarity. Let’s dive into the significance of clarity in website content and how it can drive connection and engagement, and ultimately make

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steps to take to build a solid online presence

Steps for a Strong Web Presence: Must-Do Actions

Getting your business offerings discovered on the web involves a combination of strategies and tactics. Here are some basic steps to check off your list of priorities when it comes to marketing a business online. Small steps taken now will pay off big time down the road. Focus on these foundational steps to build a

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goal setting in marketing

Goal Setting for Marketing Campaigns

Do you ever feel uncertain about whether your marketing is effective? Let’s dive into one of the most common business mistakes: rushing into marketing efforts without a clear set of goals and a well-defined strategy. It’s like setting sail without knowing your destination. To steer clear of this pitfall and ensure your marketing efforts are

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Fulfilling career from a Teen Magazine cover

The Secret to Fulfillment – A Personal Story

What is the secret to career fulfillment? As far back as I can remember, I had a passion for words and their power to connect with people on a deeper level. I recall the excitement I felt at the age of 16 when one of my poems was published in Teen magazine. It was a

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website expectations working with a web designer

How to Make Sure Your New Website Meets Your Expectations

Have you ever wondered why we ask clients to complete a website questionnaire before diving into a new website project or website refresh? It might seem like an extra step, but there’s a method to our madness! Let me break it down for you. Why the Website Questionnaire Matters Clarity and Understanding: Our website questionnaire

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karen etchells explains quick and cheap website services drawbacks

Quick, Easy, Cheap Website Services?

Think Again. I grew up in the era of quick fixes and instant gratification, but little did we know the impact it would have on our health. As our eating habits have now evolved to prioritize nourishment over convenience, your online presence also demands a similar shift from shortcuts to quality. Remember the days when

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