Marketing Tips

Top 5 Tips for Digital Marketing in 2018

Digital Marketing is ever-changing with the widespread use of smartphones and huge demand for video-on-the-go. Users are craving personalized and readily digestible content on topics important to them. Understanding current trends in media consumption on the web can give your business a competitive edge.   Content Marketing — On your website, social media platforms, and email […]

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Is the Facebook Algorithm Change Quieting Businesses?

The Facebook algorithm change has those who manage business pages wondering… [dt_gap height=\”15\” /] One thing that always holds true in the field of Internet Marketing is that the landscape is always changing. It’s not uncommon that the best ways to reach an audience online today can be totally different six months from now. Facebook

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How Important Are Likes?

With every post published on social platforms, we watch for a response. How many people will \”like\” what we posted? Naturally, positive feedback provides instant gratification. [dt_gap height=\”10\” /] As a business owner who uses Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for Social Media Marketing, it\’s important to understand the value of a \”like.\” [dt_gap height=\”10\” /] An

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Grow Your Business on the Web with Marketing Consulting Services

Have you ever considered hiring a marketing consultant? Are you an entrepreneur with a small business who handles your own marketing online? You probably have a website and post every now and then on Facebook, right? Are there strategies you\’ve read about or thought about trying to grow your business online, but just haven\’t had the time to explore

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Do You Have a Social Media Strategy?

Social media offers powerful platforms for small businesses to have a voice. Using best practices, social media provides a venue for establishing trust and nurturing one-to-one relationships. The playing field is leveled. Small business can truly have an advantage by being more personal and transparent in a way big business cannot. Big businesses often struggle

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Tips to Get Fans & Followers on Your New Facebook Business Page

Here are three simple strategies to help build a following on your Facebook Business Page. #1.) Invite your personal Facebook friends to follow your business page. See the screenshot below. This option can be found on the right side column of your Facebook business profile page, below your call-to-action button. After you\’ve done that, perhaps

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The Power of Personal Connection

Most business owners realize that publishing worthwhile content through blogging, email marketing, and engaging on social media platforms is an effective strategy to keep your brand top-of-mind. You’re taking steps to reach and connect with customers where they’re already spending time – on their smartphones, tablets and laptops. With so many businesses actively competing for

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Are Calls-to-Action Working on Your Website?

What is a call-to-action? If you\’re unsure, how much business are you losing with poorly written content and/or weak calls-to-action? A call-to-action is an element in your business marketing that inspires a prospective customer to DO SOMETHING. Why post on social media platforms, send email blasts, create videos or produce podcasts if your online marketing efforts lack

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Fishing for Business: Social Media Strategy Explained

Engaging in blogging and social media to grow your business is a lot like fishing. At Innovast Digital Marketing, we know the right kind of bait and the best equipment to use. We test the waters to find a good spot. If one approach doesn\’t work well, we make adjustments, maybe shift directions. We provide guidance

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Video Blogging — A Marketing Strategy

Consumption of online video is at an all-time high. With everyone carrying a smartphone in their pocket, there’s an ever-increasing volume of users connected to the Internet at any given moment – even on the go! With that in mind, realize that the most effective strategy for your website pages to obtain top placement in

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